Thursday, August 27, 2009

Little Geisha

When the C4C team was out trapping in San Antonio in the early hours of a July morning they started at a derelict house that had been identified by Angela (founder of C4C) on her last visit as having a number of adult cats needing to be neutered.
We pulled up outside the house and whilst myself and Tracey unloaded the traps and cages from the car Debs went to investigate where the cats might be.
A few minutes later we looked up and there was Debs walking back to us with a raggedy little kitten which had runny eyes, acute diarrhoea and the sniffles.
This little kitten, who Deb's nicknamed Angel, had struggled forward from under some undergrowth calling out for attention as if her life depended on it...and sadly it probably did.
The photos show the before and after:
the first one shortly after she'd been found when she was on her way to the vets. Look at her sad eyes.
the second is after she'd spent a few weeks being cared for by Charlotte

She was very tame so Debs was able to cuddle her very easily so we wrapped her up in a soft towel.

'Angel' was taken to Toni the vet for a full check up whilst the wheels were put in motion to find a safe place for her to go in the short-term whilst attempts were made to re-home her either on the island or in Germany.

Luckily the kitten wasn't too bad health wise, although like many street kittens she was underweight. Also lucky was the fact that Charlotte had contacted C4C to help catch and neuter some cats living wild at the stables she used for her horse. When Charlotte heard about 'Angel' she kindly agreed to foster her short-term until we could get her to Germany.
Fast forward a few weeks and Charlotte and her husband Danny were so much in love with her that they decided to adopt her! This was fantastic news for all concerned!
If kittens can be re-homed on the island that is by far the best outcome.

So now little Angel has been re-christened Geisha which is a beautiful name for this very loving kitten. Charlotte says Gheisa is full of fun, enjoys being cuddled and loves to distract them when they're trying to work! She is also helping Charlotte's other cat Isis grow in confidence as she has always been quite a shy cat.

Charlotte has sent some lovely photos which we've scattered throughout the story...hope you enjoy them as much as we did. It is so heartwarming to see a previously unloved, unhappy kitten struggling for survival become a much loved part of someone life. This last photo is our favourite! How cute is that?!

Remember always...if you'd like to offer a cat or kitten a home, or be a short-term fosterer than do please get in touch! We'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be able to foster a cat is so very rewarding ! For anyone who is a cat lover but does not have the possibility have a cat full time this is a fantastic "thing"and opportunity to do. What can i say - cats are such amazing animals.

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